Insider News from the Organization for the Prevention of Blindness (OPC)

One of the core values we pledge to our donors and partners is transparency. Operating like a “glass house” enables stakeholders like you to clearly see how we manage our programs, our impact, and how your hard-earned dollars are used.

Recently, all members of the Organization for the Prevention of Blindness (OPC) participated in our Annual General Meeting to evaluate our programs, improve our operations, and steer the immediate and long-term future of the organization. In the spirit of transparency, we are sharing the key topics discussed and decisions publicly to further earn your trust and support.


Board Governance

OPC’s General Assembly appoints members of the Board of Directors, whose role is to independently guide the organization forward, while honoring our mission and purpose.

We are proud to share that Dr. Michel Boussinesq, renowned researcher specializing in filariasis and onchocerciasis at the Institute for Research on Development (IRD), has had his board term renewed for 3 years.

The Board of Directors team has been strengthened by the appointments of Ms. Catherine Hartog, Public Communication Consultant, Mr. Yannick Lucas, Director of Public Affairs and International Relations, Mr. Jean Thomas, optician-optometrist, and leader of start-ups in the healthcare access sector, and Dr. Philippe Thomas, entrepreneur in the veterinary sector.

We also welcomed Mrs. Anne-Lise Ollivier, who joins the Vigilance Committee, and Mr. Luc Poppe, who joins the brand-new Development Committee.

A heartfelt farewell was given to Dr. Brigitte Goldenberg, a retired biologist, who has reached the end of her term and has chosen not to renew. The Assembly saluted her very long-standing commitment to the OPC, which she will continue to support as a member and volunteer.

Last but not least, Pr Serge Resnikoff was unanimously renewed as president.


Impact by the Numbers

In 2022, OPC treated more than 8 million people living in Francophone Africa. Mass treatment distributions to eliminate neglected tropical diseases, such as trachoma and onchocerciasis, and numerous surgical treatments led us to reach this staggering impact. 

OPC is also proud to report that we have strengthened our eye care education and training programming in Mali, leading to increased impact sustainability over West Africa. An emphasis was put on awarding and distributing student scholarships to complete professional ophthalmology internships – as well as, training additional staff in rural hospitals to continue care.


Rigorous Management and a Sound Future

OPC has returned to its pre-pandemic level of activity. Despite a continuing decrease in donations from individuals year over year, following a charitable economic trend in various countries, OPC has maintained healthy financial stability. We are continually grateful to our donors for their loyalty to our mission and programming. We cannot ensure the right to sight without you!

OPC underwent several accountability audits – some routine and others by OPC’s request by its partners during the year. Positive results were earned through our financial audit by The End Fund and global audit by Sightsavers. Additionally, we underwent in-depth risk analysis and crisis management planning to ensure our impact and operations have sustainable continuity regardless of unforeseen challenges. 

In particular, we are proud to have earned a 3-year renewal of the IDEAS Institute label, a French quality label which attests to the quality of our governance, financial management, and the efficacy of our impact.


2023 and Onward

With the unanimous approval of the 2022 impact and financial reports, as well as the 2023 budget, OPC is well positioned to build upon the good news reviewed during the General Assembly.

To stay informed about how we’re progressing towards the fulfillment of our mission this year, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter below.